We fly at Reservoir State Park in Lewiston, NY. Elev 604 ft, 43.13 °N, 79.02 °W
The park entrance isn't well marked. But if you use this address - 3931 Witmer Road, Niagara Falls, NY 14305 - you'll find the Parking Lot B entrance. The field is about 1/8 mile north of the parking lot. Walk out past all the baseball fields and look for the shelter with the wind sock next to the solar panels.
Fliers may drive out to the field and drop off their equipment using the asphalt path at the northwest end of the parking lot. A maximum of 15 minutes is permitted to drop off and you then must return your vehicle to the parking lot. Please keep your speed to 5 MPH maximum.
Fliers with a parking permit may park in either of the two designated handicap spots adjacent to the field.
The field rules are here.
The field emergency action plan is here.